Established MotoSports Dealer

Price: $250,000

Industry: Retail

This business can be purchased through SBA with 10 percent down. With an initial investment of $45k you can acquire the business with an annual net profit of over 122k.The business is valued with a 2.1 multiple (250k) and includes (200k) in inventory in the total purchase price of $450,000. The business includes exclusive territories on products sold. The seller is a serious and prepared business owner, has engaged with a Certified Public Accountant to ensure all necessary documentation is in order for a through due diligence process. That includes Tax Returns, Leases, Equipment Lists, and Finacial Statements. The ideal candidate for this purchase requires no specific background, experience, or credentials. All Processes and Procedures are in place to run this operation from day one. Comprehensive training will be provided by the seller who assures that the industry is straight forward and easy to learn. The business is well established with a solid team in place. For further information please contact me through BizBuySell and an NDA will be sent to you.

Listing Details

Total Sales: $1,996,106

Cash Flow: $122,013

FFE: $87,750 (Included in Price)

Inventory: $200,000 (Included in Price)


Year Established: 1987