Sold….Profitable Painting Business for Sale

Price: $550,000

Location: SW Montana

Industry: Service Businesses

This Family Owned Business has been located in Southwest Montana for over 28 years. The Business has built a reputation of quality and service that speaks for itself. They get the job done right and on time! The Business offers a variety of professional
services from painting a door for the everyday average customer to refinishing hardwood floors for the high end customer. The Business also operates a small paint retail store that provides products for the jobs to cut down significantly on paint costs.

Some of the very reliable employees have been with them for over 20 years and are very familiar with the clients wants and needs. The Business is located in an outdoor paradise with hiking, biking , fishing , boating, hunting and much more. This is a Solid and Profitable Thriving Business!

Listing Details

Total Sales: $991,453

Cash Flow: $335,312

FFE: $370,288 (Included in Price)

Inventory: $53,100 (Included in Price)

Reason For Sale:

other Business Interest

Training & Support:

2 weeks 40 hours per week


Relocatable?: Yes

Facilities Information:

Real Estate Available



None In Area

Potential Growth:

Good with surrounding areas growing